The winter flu has hit our household. It may be tonsillitis or teething regardless it's not fun.
The week before exam week too. Of course.
It does mean lots of sleep and cuddles which make up for the snot and vomit. It's so hard seeing your kids unhappy. Thankfully they've both been fantastic taking medicine which definitely helps.
I made a cake with the help of the kids. Lufflump chose the colour of the cake. It feels like every cake we make is blue. I managed to convince them that white icing is 'fancy' and we can have sprinkles to make it pretty.
There's a reason why I don't bake or cook often. This photo is of the best piece, the only piece that didn't fall apart. The falling apart started when I took it out of the tin. This isn't a one off disaster, this is very common. It's a miracle when it doesn't happen.
An ugly cake can be delicious though and this is a photo of a delicious cake. The mister managed to consume most of it in one sitting and the kids have asked for more so it must be delicious.
We moved into this house about a month ago and know how long we are going to be here, roughly. We have never lived in a house knowing how long we would be here. We were living in limbo as we didn't know when the mister would be leaving for the airforce. Now that we are here for a certain period of time, give or take a few months, we have decided to make this house our home.
I have a desk nook which is a work in progress and probably will be forever. I like it though, it's cute and functional. My dream is to fix up the table and chairs. They previously lived in my Opa's kitchen and were known as the casual or kids table. I fell in love and when he died they became mine. They deserve to be in good condition.
The kids have their paintings up in their rooms. We need to buy some bits and pieces for their art wall in the toy room and then that will be done too.
I am a hater of bright lights like the ones we have outside. Not only are they too bright but they flicker slightly. I cannot stand it so I got my handyman on and put up fairy lights. It's still too cold at night to be outside but it's a start.
I have a remote on my phone! Yes, this is an exciting part of my weekend. I fell asleep trying to get sesame asleep on Saturday night. At 5pm. So yes this is now my exciting life.
Getting this remote app on my phone means we don't have to click through the ten or so home shopping channels just to get to a good channel, that probably doesn't have anything worth watching anyway.
What is with all this AFL on all the channels, Victoria?! We get it, you like AFL. We also understand that we suck at being Victorians. We don't need it rubbed in our face all the time. Is there an off season for this madness?
The rest of my weekend included reading, studying, eating, watching many TV series; The Office, House of Lies, Mindy Project and Parks and Recreation.
Please tell me your exciting weekend so I can live through you. Alternatively, please tell me your stay at home weekend so we can be in solidarity.