Monday, June 20, 2011

21st Party Weekend Style

Sorry for the lack of posts. Something happened to our Internet and we lost the yellow cord to fix it. The mister went shopping this morning and picked one up. Welcome back Internet, I missed you. 

Let's get straight into it. Saturday night we went to a 21st at the mister's old work for a lovely girl he worked with. 

The theme was Suit Up. We don't own suits so we just dressed up. The birthday girl's mum wore a karate suit, a girl made a jacket out of playing cards, there were tuxes, 80's outfits, jumpsuits, army suits - you name it there was probably someone wearing it. 

The birthday girl drives a VW Beetle, Kirby, so the cake represented that. I definitely missed my Beetle, Gloria. 
We drank a lot. I smoked a lot. I had inappropriate conversations with a group of guys. I found $10 and two packs of (gross) smokes which I sold for $15. We stayed at the birthday girl's house which involved pjs, drinking, smoking, chats and a dog waking us up in the morning. 

The mister wasn't well the next day. It's happened before and we still aren't sure if it's from alcohol, cold or illness. We made it home after many sick stops. I felt so bad that the mister had to drive home but I don't have my license and would have still had alcohol in my system. He went straight to bed when we got home. I stayed up and made myself a hearty breakfast. 

Munchkin was amazingly good for my mum. I was so happy to see him, play and have snuggles. Although I don't feel guilty leaving him overnight I do miss him. It's always such a joy seeing him the next day. 

So, how did I go with my $5 Style Challenge? Again I didn't spend any money recently for my outfit. The party was out where we last lived and it's freezing out there so I rugged up. 
Dress - Iron Fist from FUS Clothing buy it HERE
Jacket - Sunny Girl $30! (2010)
Scarf - Sportsgirl (2011 - on sale)
Gloves - Tree of Life (2010)
Leggings - Supre (Ski Tights)
Wedges - Pinet Shoes from ShoeBiz (2005)


  1. I LOVE the dress and tights! AWESOME! If your coat goes missing...don't come to my place looking for it...

  2. Thanks Kel. I love it too. I still can't believe it was only $30!


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