Friday, September 30, 2011

Sesame - Week Seventeen

This week lufflump has been playing more and more with one of his 'babies'. It's small and grubby. He loves it and sucks on it's dummy while the baby hangs out of his mouth. It's so funny. I'm hoping this will make it easier when we introduce his 'baby' in a few months.
Hello baby
I've booked in for my 19 week scan on the 13th so that's exciting. I still have to call the hospital and will hopefully find time to do that today or on Monday. It's all happening.

Honestly, regardless of finding out a lot earlier than I did with lufflump I don't feel like I've been pregnant forever now. I still keep forgetting I am as does the mister. I definitely don't feel pregnant right now. Actually, I feel like I've eaten something wrong right now but that's a whole different feeling. Lucky it's not shellfish.

So not much has happened this week at all. Just trudging along :)

Denim Skirt Polly

This week's Polyvore challenge is the denim skirt. 

I love denim skirts but my legs do not. Small waist and chunky thighs do not equal comfy denim skirt wearing. Although in saying that I do own two pairs and in summer I bring them out even if just going to the beach or pool.

Polly is blessed with skinny thighs and waist so she can wear pretty much any denim skirt she wants. She's feeling a bit retro 70's summer at the moment as this outfit shows. 

Now all I need is Polly's credit card...
Denim Skirt Polly by tutuames
Wanna play along? It's fun, a little bit mean (limitless, free credit card anyone?), perfect procrastination and if you are anything like me you won't be able to stop at just one!

Check out other Polly Dollies at DanimezzaWhile you're there check out Danimezza's other posts. She is one happening woman!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Bad Mother

It's been a bit of mother guilt sharing this week with posts from Holly, Glow, and Mich all admitting they feel incapable at times with this thing we have in common; motherhood. I'm joining in and am going to be brutally honest (again). This isn't a pity party, this is reality.

I've had a few jobs pre-children, some I was awesome at and some I sucked. The ones I loved happened to be the ones I was good at and the ones I hated I was shit at. If I loved the work I'd work my ass off, if I didn't I'd procrastinate and do a half assed job. It's the same with study units for school, TAFE and uni.

I've always known I want children. One of my greatest fears was not having the physical ability to. I always said I would never abort because I'd feel selfish as so many women are unable to have children (in saying that I don't expect others to feel the same or judge anyone who aborts, I'm a firm pro-choicer). I wanted to have children young and when I was eighteen I wanted at least four what did I know?!. I would tell everyone I wanted to be a mother, a stay at home mum in fact.

Now I am living my dream and while I appreciate it and love it, I don't think it's always for me. Sometimes I think I hate it as I get bored and procrastinate like I used to in jobs I didn't like. I have trouble being mindful and 'in the moment'. I find myself multi-tasking too much when I should be focusing all my attention on lufflump.

I'm not raising my son 100% the way I'd like to. He watches too many movies and doesn't read enough books. Sometimes he eats food full of preservatives purely because it's easier and he won't make a fuss. We don't do as much sensory or imaginative play as I'd like. We don't paint or draw as much as some kids.

I worry that the reason he isn't talking is because I'm inadequate as a mother. Because I don't sit down and play flashcards with him everyday. Or maybe it's because he doesn't read enough. Or he watches too much TV or any at all. Maybe I'm talking to him wrong or letting him communicate too well without talking. It's got to be my fault doesn't it?

Often we don't go anywhere. The furthest we will venture out of the house is the letterbox or the backyard. Maybe he needs more outside time? Do we play outside wrong? Is playing with water, sand, rocks and toys enough? Should we be making stories up as well or is he already but can't tell me.

Does he have to fall asleep with me next to him because he feels it's the only time he has my full attention and affection? Is it a sign he's insecure and doesn't feel safe alone?
Does he think I ignore him? Does he feel enough love from his parents? Will he grow up secure and safe knowing we will always love and be there for him?

Even though I think and know all this I don't change. What's wrong with me? If lufflump was an unhappy child would I change? He laughs and smiles a lot, only cries for a reason and has never been very demanding so am I worrying about nothing? Or is he (can he?) at the age of two hiding his unhappiness?

He goes to daycare twice a week. If we could afford it I'd send him more purely because I think he benefits more from there than from me. He's mentally grown so much since starting there and I don't think he would have from being at home.

I guess that sometimes being a mother sucks.
I found this in Mother and Baby mag after writing this post. Maybe it's not just me.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


The mister and I try to use Thursdays as date days. Last Thursday we went to the Gallery of Modern Art (GOMA) for our date day. We'd been wanting to see the Surrealism exhibition since it opened back in June but didn't want to take lufflump as we thought it would bore him. I picked up a brochure recently and we made a proper date.

I'm not a big art person. I can appreciate a good piece of work but I don't know the technical side and cannot analyse a painting on colour or brushstrokes. If I like a piece of art it's not based on technique, it's more based on whether I find it interesting or not. I like weird dark art too and I thought surrealism would be interesting and up my alley. The mister likes and appreciates technique more than me which is one reason why he was interested.

The exhibition was split into years and what was popular in surrealism during those years. There were paintings, drawings, photos, sculptures, and movies. The early years (1920's) of surrealism bored me. I found it confusing and not overly appealing. It wasn't until the mid to late 1930's section that I saw some photos that today wouldn't be so spectacular thanks to photoshop but for back then that would have blown minds.

Not surprisingly, being the mythological lovers the mister and I are, we both loved the mythology part of the exhibition with brilliant paintings by André Masson. We were both disappointed this section wasn't larger. I fell in love with André Masson's 'Le Labyrinth'. Amazing. I'd love a copy for our house.
Le Labyrinth
They have free tour guides at certain times and we heard some of one tour. The lady didn't know much about the mythology section (I don't know art, saw the paintings for the first time that day and knew more than her) which I found irritating. I understand it was free but if you have a tour guide you'd want to walk away fascinated and knowing more than you did at the start. The people in the tour guide ended up going back to the start and going through again. To me, that defeats the purpose of being in a tour.

I'd definitely recommend this exhibition as it was interesting and out of the ordinary. If you like that kind of stuff anyway, it's not for everyone. It was $20 for an adult entry ticket so if you don't find it interesting spend your $20 a bit wiser. They do have a section for kid's so that may be a good school holiday option.

Do you like art and exhibitions?

Monday, September 26, 2011

Duckface Guilty Photos

Back before children I partied A LOT. I also took too many photos while intoxicated. Some of those photos are not pretty. Some, I'm ashamed to admit, include the duckface. If you don't know what the duckface is please go to this website and be appalled.

These are some of those photos;

Have you done the 'duckface' or know someone who is guilty? Care to share?

Happy Monday

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace."
Jimi Hendrix

Sunday, September 25, 2011

That’s Pinterest…ing Skulls Edition

I love skulls. Skulls anything and everything. If I had my way I'd have skulls throughout the whole house. Lufflump, the mister and I all have clothes that have skulls on them. My best friend, Amanda, and I used to wear Misfit skull makeup when we were fifteen. 

These pins are in honour of my love for skulls;
1. I so want this skull phone. Totally regardless of the fact that our home phone is connected to our modem so I wouldn't be able to use it. It'd be an awesome ornament though.
2. How amazing are these shoes. Definitely 'sit down' shoes. I wonder if you could buy skull heels for a pair of shoes already owned? Modify a 'boring' pair of shoes to something amazing.
3. I love teapots. I do. This teapot is just so many different shades of awesome. I want this. No, I want a whole skull family of these teapots.
4. This watercolour painting is so clever. I want something like this as a tattoo. Pretty and skulls. Beautiful.
5. This bed is so beautiful. The grandma blanket, the bedspread, the skull pillow and those skulls on the bed head. Words cannot describe how much this photo makes me happy.

I'm joining up with Tina and a bunch of other Pinterest addicted bloggers. Check them out here.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Prairie Doll Polly

Last Polly for the day/week, I promise. 

Polly is going on a country trip down near the river. She's gone for a girly yet tough look, she can get dirty without worry and even hike in those boots (she runs in heels).
Prairie Doll Polly by tutuames

Wanna play along? It's fun, a little bit mean (limitless, free credit card anyone?), perfect procrastination and if you are anything like me you won't be able to stop at just one!

Check out other Polly Dollies at DanimezzaWhile you're there check out Danimezza's other posts. She is one happening woman!

Sesame - Week Sixteen

Thursday I had my first antenatal appointment at the Royal Brisbane Woman's Hospital. I had lufflump at Mater Woman's Hospital so it was all a new experience for me.

I was anxious going into new territory. Of course I was late only by five minutes but still didn't help my anxiety. Every hospital has different ways of doing things and RBWH definitely was different to what I was used to. 

I waited at Maternity Reception to be booked in and didn't notice you were supposed to take a letter (like at a butcher or deli) and by the time I noticed there were about five other women behind me waiting with letters. The receptionist (bitch) told me I had to take a number and wait. A lovely lady said that actually I was next and the receptionist, rather than being nice, told me that people weren't usually that nice and I should follow the rules from now on. I reminded her this was my first appointment and apologised for not knowing. As far as I'm concerned I treat you how I want to be treated and vice versa, you treat me like shit and I'll treat you the same. There's no need for bitchiness.

Anyway, my appointment was long and quite boring. A lot of paperwork, A LOT. I did pee in a paper cup WTF?!, hear sesame's heartbeat and get some wonderful news. I won a place in the birth centre. 'Won' sounds strange but it's a ballot so I did in fact 'win' a spot. So we plan on having a water birth for sesame.  Very exciting indeed! 

Other than my appointment nothing much has been happening. I'm not having any cravings (cheese and gerkins don't count right!?) and I'm feeling more than fine. Energy levels are low in the afternoon but that could be thanks to lufflump waking around 5am every morning.
Bump is getting there
I'm using a belly belt but can't do up the fly on my jeans anymore
Thank you to everyone that commented, tweeted, facebooked or emailed me with recommendations for introducing a new sibling. We are in the process of buying a bunch of books on the topic (for both lufflump and us) and plan to introduce a baby doll to lufflump in a few months. Thank you again.

Dinner Party Polly

Polly is off to a dinner party with a close group of friends. Nothing too fancy but there will be expensive food and drinks as well as fashion talk. Colour blocking is big lately so Polly is leading the way.
Dinner Party Polly by tutuames
Wanna play along? It's fun, a little bit mean (limitless, free credit card anyone?), perfect procrastination and if you are anything like me you won't be able to stop at just one!

Check out other Polly Dollies at DanimezzaWhile you're there check out Danimezza's other posts. She is one happening woman!

Polka Dot Polly

Polly is back.. yay! The first of the bunch sees Polly going a bit 30's/40's with polka dots.

I want this outfit. Where I would wear it remains unknown, maybe just shopping. Lovely!
Polka Dot Polly by tutuames

Wanna play along? It's fun, a little bit mean (limitless, free credit card anyone?), perfect procrastination and if you are anything like me you won't be able to stop at just one!

Check out other Polly Dollies at DanimezzaWhile you're there check out Danimezza's other posts. She is one happening woman!

Undomestic Goddess

If this were the 1950's I'd probably be a single mum as my husband/de-facto would have cracked the shits long ago at my failing.That is, I fail at being a housewife.


I don't cook. It's not that I can't cook, I did live by myself and had to cook most nights. It's that I can't be bothered to cook. I don't enjoy it one bit. I like eating and I swear it tastes so much better if I've managed to skip doing the cooking process. When I do cook it's simple meals like pasta, curry from the bottle with rice, sausages or vegies and mash. Lufflump always snacks throughout the day with a big breakfast and lunch. For dinner he'll push away anything cooked (except pizza, chips or sausages - what's with kids?) for a sandwich, apple, orange or yoghurt. If I do cook we eat around 4:30/5:00 as any time after that it's not happening.
I don't iron. I think I've ironed two things in my life and they ended up more wrinkled then they were before. I know the whole 'practice makes perfect' and I throw the whole 'the wrinkled look is a new trend' back at you. The mister irons. He irons his work shirt every day. If I want something ironed and he isn't available I turn to the dryer. It works most times and the times it doesn't I wear something else. During the floods I even tried giving the iron away. I put it with our charity pile and got a stern talking to from the mister. I told him I don't use it and it's just taking up space, he told me he does use it. In my defense I also put my hairdryer in the charity pile then remembered I use it about once a year so it's back in our bathroom with the iron taking up space.

I don't mop or vacuum. It bores me. One of my roles in my last job was to mop and vacuum the office every Friday. Most appointments and days off I had just happened to be on Fridays. I hate how bulky it all is, just to get started takes five minutes. By then I'm over it. When I begin I have every intention of doing every room amazingly. I do the walls, corners, ceiling, I move furniture, I get into hard annoying places of one room. Then I'm over it. One room always looks amazing while every other room looks just clean. I always vacuum/mop to music and it never helps. The noise and machines get in the way of dancing around listening to loud, fun music. It frustrates me and I do a quick, shit job. Then I dance and sing.
I hate washing. When I was 34 weeks pregnant with Lufflump we moved houses. I washed every bit of material in that place. Anything new went straight into the wash. I was so addicted to washing I even handwashed daily. When he was born and I finished nesting I realised that my love for washing had been washed out of my system. It's not the washing part I hate, the machine is kind enough to do that for me. It's what the machine doesn't do that I hate, the hanging out, folding and putting away. It never ends. When I think it's ended Lufflump will spill something all over himself or wee on the bed. So many times we've had nothing in our drawers to wear and clean clothes just piled up in baskets giving me death stares and taunting my lack of housewife tendencies. Washing can be a tormenting asshole.

I don't make the bed. I know it makes the whole room look wonderful but with lufflump sometimes having naps in our bed it's easier to not make the bed, just put him down and the blankets over him. His bed is always made though, it's easier than our bed though. I know it's so easy, especially as we don't use a top sheet but I have better things to do. Like spend time on twitterpinterest or blog. That's not being lazy, it's being time wise. Right!?

Would you still be in a relationship or would you be single like me based on your housework?

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Bloggers Drink #helloevents

Saturday night I ventured out of my cave to have dinner with some pretty wonderful people at a pretty amazing place. The people were a collection of bloggers from Brisbane. The place was Garuva.

I planned on getting in about 6:30 to have some mocktails in the bar but at 6:15 I was still in bed cursing the change of season and allergies. My mum came up to look after lufflump and of course I had the address but couldn't physically see the restaurant until I tweeted 'help' and we were on our fourth round trip. It really is hidden. Despite my plans to arrive early, I arrived late. It's a family trait being late.

I still arrived before the food so it wasn't all bad. My first drink was a Virgin Steady Eddie which was lychees in sugar with sugar. In other words delicious and definitely not on Suger's 'to drink' list. My second drink was coke. Big drinker and big spender in one! 
The restaurant has individual booths for each table. It's private, dark and romantic. Babies could be and probably are conceived there. Rather than feel romantic to me at the time I just wanted to curl up and go to sleep especially after dinner. 
Aisle seat (shoes and dress from Ironfist)
The food was delicious and we all shared the meals. As far as I could tell there was plenty of food. I wasn't very hungry but what I ate was very nice. 

The best of the night was the company though. Meeting new bloggers and seeing old faces again is always wonderful. We all come from different walks of life, live different lives yet we all have blogging in common. No questions about what blogging is, no worrying that you are being anti-social tweeting what you are doing, no worries about taking photos of everything. It's comfortable.
Awesome photo thanks Luke and SugerImage
Yep douche. Image
I should not jump. Image
I love blog meets. 
Have you been to a blog meet before? 

Bloggy Type Job

I should have posted this ages ago but oh well.

This post includes some of the most influential bloggers in Australia. Amazing women with hearts of gold.

The amazing Oprah of Australia, Brenda from Mummy Time emailed me a few months ago with an awesome proposition (honestly there has to be a better word than proposition) enquiry (that sounds better).

The amazing Lori from RRSAHM is one busy, amazing lady. She has a new, amazing position at In the Powder Room which is so well deserved! It did mean that her busy schedule got a whole lot busier causing her to reassess and say goodbye to her admin role at Digital Parents. She'll still be a focal figure there, I'm sure.

You can guess what Brenda's enquiry was about. Yep, whether I will help admin Digital Parents. I already help moderate Brenda's Blogger's Manifesto but this is an amazing honour and I'm extremely excited!

The wonderful Liz from Mumstrosity and Kristyn from Mummy K have been extremely welcoming and helpful. What can I say about Brenda? She's amazing, so very helpful, funny and so nice. I may or may not have a bloggers crush on her.

So far I'm really enjoying it. I'm meeting new bloggers (over the internet - that's meeting too), learning and having fun. Also as a bonus I'm able to cross off something on my 26 Before 26 - Get a Job. This definitely counts. 

Thank you Brenda for this wonderful opportunity.

Are you a member of Digital Parents? Have you found it helpful?

Monday, September 19, 2011

Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month.

In my opinion children should never get sick, there should be no such thing as Children's Hospitals and there definitely should be no such thing as childhood cancer. Unfortunately they do and there is. 

Too many children and families are affected by childhood cancer. Too many young lives are lost however the survival rates have risen to over 70% on average. However, that still means three out of ten children diagnosed with cancer do not survive. 600 children in Australia are diagnosed with cancer every year, and three Australian children die weekly from cancer. Frighteningly high numbers.
Children's Cancer Institute Australia (CCIA) are the only independent medical research institute in Australia dedicated to research into the causes, prevention, treatments and ultimately cures for childhood cancers. Their vision is to save the lives of all children with cancer and eliminate their suffering.

September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month with events and fundraisers happening through many different organisations throughout Australia. While CCIA do amazing research and work towards a cure for childhood cancer they can't do it alone and need support. 

CCIA are currently in the midst of their Spring Appeal where they aim to raise $100,000 which will aid research into new drugs to hopefully begin the journey to curing Acute Myeloid Leukaemia (AML). If you'd like to and are able to donate to the Spring Appeal please do as childhood cancer could affect anyone at anytime.

You can also keep up with the CCIA on Facebook.


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